Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 6, 2020

Awkward Styles Women’s Black Lives Matter T Shirts for Women

Black Lives Matter T Shirts for Women is heartened by what she says is the unprecedented diversity of the people who are protesting the deaths of Floyd and other Black victims.

“People who are taking to the streets are doing so not just because they never thought they would see a lynching played out on on video,” she says of Floyd, who was asphyxiated when a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes. “But it’s also because they sense that there is no real plan either to face and defeat the virus, or to acknowledge and defeat the pandemic of racism in this country.

What is important to remember today is that African Americans are in a class of their own in a traumatized nation. I think it would be hard to name an African American family in the United States who has not had an experience with the justice system in which they felt their loved one got the short end of the stick. We have all been personally touched by this, and for those of us who are Black, we see not just the horror of that person [George Floyd] on the ground, crying out for his mother—he literally looks like and sounds like people we know and love. 

It’s deeply, deeply personal trauma. But having said that, it’s also clear that the world has been traumatized by this. 

I relate back to my own experiences as a young person in the civil rights movement, when three of my colleagues—James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andy Goodman—from a conference about the Mississippi Movement that we were all at—or about the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement. And we knew them. I knew them. And to this very day, Awkward Styles Women’s Black Lives Matter T Shirts for Women I think about them, and I think about what they were thinking before they died.

With respect to my friends Mickey Schwerner and Goodman and Chaney, who died on June 22, 1964, there were no consequences until recently, when that case was retried. On top of the traumatic impact of the crime itself, there is a realization that these lives don’t matter: That our justice system will move on without remedying these wrongs. And so that becomes an additional trauma.

I think what the young people who are in the streets today are saying is, it’s not the world we want to live in. We want to create our own world. We want to create a world that is responsive to our understandings of what it means to be human. Black Lives Matter T Shirt And we want a justice system that’s not going to lie to us anymore, that’s not going to tell us that he died from arteriosclerosis, when actually he died from suffocation. I think that’s what it’s all about.

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